Friday, February 9, 2024

 Where Did The Time Go?

It's been a decade since I added to the blog. Gads! So much has happened, too much to write. So many mountains, travels, a couple moves, new friends, passings of family and friends. Just. So. Much. The thought of capturing it all, or even the highlights, is overwhelming; yet there are so many great stories. Maybe I will share those, but sometimes it is just best to pick yourself up out of your to-do pile and continue on. 

While so much of my life has been boots-on-the-ground mountain adventures and sports with my fantastic husband and many friends, anything new in your life is an adventure. You should think of it as such and then just do it...and then write and share about it. You never know who you'll inspire, or teach, or make smile, cry, or laugh. It's important because, The Journey Matters

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